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Mental health, typically, prescribes the use of methods that focus on coping, managing, and self-regulation. This approach is called “mental protection.” However, nationally and globally, we need to focus on approaches that are geared towards “mental correction.” Mental correction goes beyond coping, managing, and self-regulation and focuses on resolving, overcoming, and fixing. One very effective form of mental correction is “Mental Strength Training” (MST). MST was developed by Point 8 Training & Development, Inc. and has helped countless people over the past two decades with its innovative mental correction approach.

The MST program is made up of 6 ground-breaking levels with each level building off the level before it. To borrow from the marathon analogy, you would need to run the first 5km before you could reach the 10km mark, and then you would need to run 10km before reaching the half-marathon mark, and so on. The MST program is no different. Each increase in level is supported by the learning from the previous level using an easy-to-follow modular format with the following features:

1. Main Video Section: this section offers seminar-style videos that provide the user with in-depth analysis and insight into the major mental correction concepts explored at every level

2. Activity Video Section: this section provides the user with step-by-step instruction videos on how to complete the mental correction assignments while also offering numerous anecdotes and insights to ensure optimal understanding of the mental correction topics at hand

3. Activity Sheets Section: this section gives the user access to easy-to-follow “pdf’s” to be completed in writing while viewing the activity videos to ensure maximum learning occurs and full integration of the subject matter is experienced in the user’s daily life

4. Quick Tips: these visual aids are placed at the beginning of each module and provide users with helpful hints and tips to enhance their understanding and learning at each level

5. Next Level Indicators: these visual aids are placed at the end of each module and provide users with indicators to gauge their understanding of the material as well as their progress at each level

6. Quick Clips: these selected “clips” have been extracted from the videos in the Main Video Section and are placed strategically for quick reference so the user can access important material without having to re-watch the full-length videos

7. In Session Videos: these personalized videos provide actual client experience related to the material discussed at each level along with bonus material to aid in the understanding of the mental correction concepts highlighted at each level